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Ecosystem powered by: Volumetric capture | Interactive web
Capability: Branded storytelling | Visual development | Immersive development | Virtual production

Holographic technology recreates memories with loved ones

"Archivo" is a short film that tells the story of a man in rural Columbia using holographic technology to revisit a memory of his father. The film explores the power of parental love and affirmation in building self-esteem, the significance of eye contact in emotional bonds, and the role these factors—augmented by technology—can play in nurturing love across generations.

Extended into WebAR, this film allows viewers to not only experience the emotional short story, but interact with it in real-time via their mobile device.


Blurring the lines between the past, present, and the future


Bridging emerging tech with narrative filmmaking

Utilizing a combination of tracking markers, depth maps and shader-based VFX built and rendered in Unreal 5, we rendered and composited the volumetric capture assets atop a 2D baseplate for the short film. This process enabled a workflow where assets created for the film could be efficiently matched in the interactive experience.
